Committees & Chairs
Academic Relations Committee
Purpose: Provide opportunities for Northeast Chapter students through networking with industry professionals and other NEC student chapters. Chair: Stephen Williams, A.A.E., Delaware River & Bay Authority
Airports Conference Committee
Purpose: Plan, organize, and facilitate the NEC Annual Airports Conference. Chair: Ed Foster, A.A.E., Lancaster Airport Authority Co-Chair: Dave Jones, P.E., C.M., Delta Airport Consultants, Inc.
Balchen/Post Awards Committee
Purpose: Promote better snow and ice control, and to recognize those individuals responsible for outstanding performance. Chair: Tim Haizlip, MPA, C.M., Louisville Regional Airport Authority
Communications Committee
Purpose: Foster communication through email, social media and chapter website for internal and external customers. Chair: Corey Hanlon, Morristown Municipal Airport
Corporate Committee
Purpose: Maintain strong relationships between the organization Airports and the Corporate Community aligning strategic initiatives and being advocates in both the Northeast Region and Washington, DC. Chair: TBA Co-Chair: Nick McLaughlin, C&S Companies
Inclusion in Aviation Committee
Purpose: Enhancing the environment for diversity, equity and inclusion across the chapter Chair: Shanida Thomas-Bodrick, MDOT Co-Chairs: Dejuan Hardy, NFTA and Chrissy Milnor, MAA
Hub Airport Winter Operations Committee
Purpose: Coordinate conference logistics and serve as the liaison between AAAE and NEC/AAAE. Chair: Lisa Gahm, A.A.E., Dallas Ft. Worth Airport
International Aviation Snow Symposium (IASS) Committee
Purpose: Plan, organize, and facilitate the International Aviation Snow Symposium and Snow Academy certifications. Chair: James Moorehead, C.M., Pittsburgh International Airport Co-Chairs: Matthew Gabbert, ASE, Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport
Membership Committee
Purpose: Grow and maintain strong relationships with active and engaged members serving as a conduit that adds real value to the membership. Chair: Paul Brean, C.M., Pease Development Authority
NEC ARFF Committee
Purpose: Plan and execute the NEC/AAAE annual 40-hour ARFF School and certification in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulation PART 139.319. Chair: Thomas Bonura, Allegheny County Airport Authority
Nominating Committee
Purpose: Appointed by the President to solicit interest from chapter members to serve as future Board of Director and/or Executive Committee members in accordance with the bylaws. Chair: Darren Large, A.A.E., Morristown Airport
NEC/AAAE Policy Review Committee, (NEC PRC)
Purpose: Harness the institutional knowledge of the Chapter’s Past Presidents and create a simple and direct conduit to and from the Council and the Executive Committee (EC) and the Board of Directors (BOD), via the Chair and Co-Chair. The NEC PRC is being created as a resource for the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors to establish a more structured path for Past Presidents to interface with them. When the EC/BOD is looking for guidance, concurrence, or comments on an item, they will funnel the request to the Chair and Co-Chair of the NEC PRC. The Chair and Co-Chair will then reach out to the council members for their input, with the assistance of the Chapter’s Management Office. In return, if any of the Past Presidents have a topic of concern or interest they would like to discuss with the EC/BOD, they will funnel the request through the NEC PRC Chair and Co-Chair. The NEC PRC Chair and Co-Chair will aggregate the committee’s responses and formulate a cohesive, unified message. Any unified message or response will be considered a recommendation. The EC/BOD will have final say on matters under their purview per the bylaws. Chair: Carl Braley, A.A.E., Fortbrand Co-Chair: Richard Williams, A.A.E.
Professional Development Committee
Purpose: Provide training and professional development opportunities for the membership. Chair: Derek Martin, A.A.E., MBA, Erie Regional Airport Airport Authority
State Representatives Committee/Government Affairs Committee
Purpose: Foster communication between state membership and leadership. Chair: Paul McDonough, PE, McFarland Johnson
Onboard with Autism Committee
Purpose: The mission of the NEC "On Board with Autism" Program is to provide families with special needs the tools to allow them to experience travel in the airports throughout the Northeast Chapter of AAAE. The experience helps airline staff, TSA, and families learn about autism and create positive flying experiences for individuals with autism and their families. Chair: Derek Martin, A.A.E., MBA, Erie Regional Airport Airport Authority Co-Chair: Marcela Hernandez, C.M., Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
Young Professionals Committee