2025 NEC Airports Conference Leadership Awards

At the Annual NEC/AAAE Airports Conference, the association will present a number of awards to recognize the significant accomplishments of our members. The awards recognize the dedication and hard work of the airport sponsors and aviation professionals in our Chapter. 

To nominate someone for an award both the nominee and nominator must be NEC/AAAE Chapter Members. To become a member click here

 Leadership Awards

Nominators should submit the following information for leadership awards in addition to the specific evaluation criteria listed for the award: 

  • The contribution to aviation industry
  • The narrative for the award recommendation
  • Demonstrated leadership in aviation
  • Contributions to the Chapter
  • Basis for Submissions/Achievements 

Project Awards

Nominators should submit the following information for project awards in addition to the specific evaluation criteria listed for the award: 

  • Uniqueness of Project or Process
  • Complexity and Challenges Surmounted and/or Addressed
  • Creativity Employed in the Project or Process
  • Contact information for airport and consultant nominated for the award 

Click Here to Apply!


Description of Awards & Qualifications

Award Deadline:  January 7, 2025

Airport Executive of the Year

This award is presented to an Executive Member of the Chapter, in good standing, must be A.A.E. The recipient shall have established himself or herself as a deserving recipient of the Award by his/her professional accomplishments and contributions to the industry in the recent past, including demonstrated support/participation in the NEC/AAAE Chapter.

Eligibility – Recipients of the Airport Executive of the Year are nominated by their peers and must be current members of the Chapter in good standing. Recipients must meet Executive class of membership as outlined in the Chapter Bylaws.

Evaluation Criteria - Awards will be evaluated based on nominee’s contribution to the NEC, AAAE National, the aviation industry outside of the chapter, leadership skills and any other initiatives the nominee has led throughout their career. 


 Aviation Excellence Award


The “Aviation Excellence Award” is intended to recognize those aviation professionals who are not primarily responsible for the operation of the airport, the system of airports, or company. The award recipient is a person of exceptional qualities who is positioned second in command and below.


Aviation Excellence - Airport – Will be awarded to an airport employee who exemplifies aviation excellence in the work performed at an airport.

Aviation Excellence - Consultant – Will be awarded to a consultant employee who exemplifies aviation excellence in the work performed in aviation.

Aviation Excellence – Contractor – Will be awarded to a contractor employee who exemplifies aviation excellence through construction excellence at an airport.

Eligibility –Candidates of the award are not eligible if they are the primary person responsible for an airport or system of airports (i.e. – Airport Director, Airport Manager, or Executive Director, CEO, President) Candidates must be at least one-position subordinate to the primary leadership at the airport or system.

Evaluation Criteria Awards will be evaluated based on nominee’s contribution to the aviation industry outside of the chapter, leadership skills and any other initiatives the nominee has led throughout their career. Aviation Excellence will be evaluated on their contribution to the workplace, quality of work and examples of going above and beyond for the aviation industry.   

 Mentor of the Year Award

This award is intended to recognize Mentors who exhibit exceptional qualities while positioned as a mentor, advisor, professor, or instructor within our NEC aviation community.

Eligibility-People who mentor our future leaders

Evaluation Criteria Awards will be evaluated based on nominee’s contribution to the next generation of aviation professionals, NEC, AAAE National, the aviation industry outside of the chapter, leadership skills and any other initiatives the nominee has led throughout their career.  

Project Awards

Aviation Project of the Year


These awards are presented to an airport, Architectural firm that is currently represented within the Chapter. Award will be given to one Airfield Project, Architectural Project and one Campus related project. Candidates may be nominated for more than one award and more than one award winner may be recognized in each category.  (Award to be given to both the airport and the consultant)

  • Airfield Project of the year - These awards are presented to an airport and consulting firm that is currently represented within the Chapter. Candidates may be nominated for more than one award and more than one award winner may be recognized in each category.  The project can be singular, multiple or any combination of projects that resulted in improved efficiency, safety of facility enhancement. (Award to be given to both the airport and the consultant)
  • Architectural Project of year - These awards are presented to an airport and consulting firm that is currently represented within the Chapter. Candidates may be nominated for more than one award and more than one award winner may be recognized in each category.  (Award to be given to both the airport and the consultant)
  • Landside Project of the year – These awards are presented to an airport and consulting firm that is currently represented in the Chapter. Candidates may be nominated for more than one award and more than one award winner may be recognized in each category.  The project may be any landside improvement that does not fit into the airfield or architectural category. This includes Access Roads, Multi-Modal projects, MEP upgrades, solar farms, eVTOL grid improvements, Planning, or any supporting facility such as a wastewater treatment plant.  Anything that improves an airport on the landside.   (Award to be given to both the airport and the consultant)


Eligibility – Nominations are accepted from all categories of airports. These awards will be presented to nominees that made a significant improvement to the airport operations completed the previous year. The airport and/or firm must be represented by an Executive Member or Corporate Member in good standing. The project must be fully operational at the time of the nomination.

Evaluation Criteria Awards will be evaluated based on project’s improvement of efficiency, improvement of safety of facility, level of complexity in regard to constructability, operationally, and funding. 


[email protected]  |  518-522-6434